Your Committee
President : Mrs Hilary Robinson
Vice President : Mr Gerard Sheridan
Chairperson : Mr Jonathon McGuire
Secretary : Mrs Dorothy Byrne
Treasurer : Mrs Jackie McGuire
IKC Rep : Mr John Dorian ( Acting )
Field Trial Secretary : Mr Vincent Duffy
Committee Members:
Mr John Molohan
Ms Eimear Mooney
Mr John Dorian
Mr Thomas Dorian
The committee would like to extend their gratitude to previous Chairman Mr Tony Sellers and his wife Dorothy for their service over the past few years .
The Committee welcomes any help with running the club – if you feel that you can contribute please get in touch. Volunteering even just a few hours a year can make a big difference.
For e.g. we need volunteers to attend country game shows such as those in Shane’s Castle and Birr simply to talk to the public and raise awareness. We would be happy to take volunteers who have show dogs or working dogs but we’d love to hear from owners who simply keep a wonderful IWS as a pet.
If the breed are to survive we feel it is essential to increase awareness in the public of just what fabulous pets our wonderful breed make. If you can donate a few hours a year please contact us and we’ll work with you to find an easy way for you to help the breed.
We are also looking for volunteers who use their Irish Water Spaniel’s as working dogs. The breed is up there with the best working dogs yet sadly has fallen in popularity in recent times. If you have a working IWS please get in contact with us to find out how you can help.
Please email and we’ll get in touch.